Scorching Summers
29h July:
Water is one of the most precious and valuable resources.
We easily forget how the sun blazed just recently over head.
The rainy weather and the rim jhim mausum….makes us forget.
When every drop mattered.
When the water supply shortens..
The taps go drip drip from the previous gushing flow..
When quite a few worry how to water their garden.. !
Now in July,when its raining out is difficult to describe the impact of the blazing sun on our plants and earth.
Water is one of the most precious and valuable resources.
We easily forget how the sun blazed just recently over head.
The rainy weather and the rim jhim mausum….makes us forget.
When every drop mattered.
When the water supply shortens..
The taps go drip drip from the previous gushing flow..
When quite a few worry how to water their garden.. !
Now in July,when its raining out is difficult to describe the impact of the blazing sun on our plants and earth.
Yes I am talking of April, May and beginning of June.
It is a challenge to maintain the green patch green… to feed it nurture it
To use recycled water.
Supervising that the last rinse of the clothes that were washed -to be poured into the precious heliconia bed....
The non oily - dish water for the Buddha’s belly ...
The tea leaves into the Bird of Paradise as mulch.. thus preserving the moisture...
Yes summer heat withers the plants…
But with a little organized help &
concern from our within we can make our gardens persevere the uneasy summer months quite gracefully.
Failure to recycle water make things worse.
Sustainability is a feature of a process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely.
The water tables of China, India, Pakistan, are alarmingly falling.
Recycling urban wastewater is being practiced with some success in some countries.
In India Rain Water Harvesting should be taken seriously.
The government should legalize it by making it a mandatory aspect in a house plan or a commercial building plan.
Again a little pro active ness from within should come in..
Do we really need swimming pool in the back .. .?
or do we need to have green belt in the neighborhood with thick trunk tress. .. providing us with oxygen and maintaining the balance.
Thus Think Green
Save water and contemplate on Sustainability...
Maintaining the Balance…In mind and practice.
It is a challenge to maintain the green patch green… to feed it nurture it
To use recycled water.
Supervising that the last rinse of the clothes that were washed -to be poured into the precious heliconia bed....
The non oily - dish water for the Buddha’s belly ...
The tea leaves into the Bird of Paradise as mulch.. thus preserving the moisture...
Yes summer heat withers the plants…
But with a little organized help &
concern from our within we can make our gardens persevere the uneasy summer months quite gracefully.
Failure to recycle water make things worse.
Sustainability is a feature of a process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely.
The water tables of China, India, Pakistan, are alarmingly falling.
Recycling urban wastewater is being practiced with some success in some countries.
In India Rain Water Harvesting should be taken seriously.
The government should legalize it by making it a mandatory aspect in a house plan or a commercial building plan.
Again a little pro active ness from within should come in..
Do we really need swimming pool in the back .. .?
or do we need to have green belt in the neighborhood with thick trunk tress. .. providing us with oxygen and maintaining the balance.
Thus Think Green
Save water and contemplate on Sustainability...
Maintaining the Balance…In mind and practice.