Mother Earth is Screaming ..

Look what we have done to our earth... for momentary pleasures and short lived gains....
cutting trees and blasting rocks..
Don't go far -- start with Somaiiguda, Raj Bhavan Road..
25 years ago just a quiet road with one or two cars mostly Renaults and Fiats, an odd or two ambassadors , men quietly pulling toiling their rickshaws..
Now a double road..
Drastically - widened may be four times.. in the last 25 years.
Tress cut brutally cut --
Properties sold to buy diamonds.. or money transferred to USA by affluent NRIs ..
Then they come back and live in their flats that they had bought.

& What is this flat culture.. ?
Again borrowed from the West..
These cars.. and heavy lorries.. the mad rush and honking..
Mother Earth is screaming ..
Is any body listening… ?

There was this beautiful champa tree (common Farangi Pani) in the vast Back Yard of the
old-bungalow I was married into..

When the construction people took it over that is, when my Oh So Good and Saintly Sis in Laws sold their land to their construction associates,
they cut the beautiful Champa tree,& I cried that whole night..

It had character. … the curves.. similar to a Japanese…tree..
There were other trees too : The stately Neem tree..
2 to 3 graceful mangoes.. Drumstick tree.. a Cherie tree..
Curry patta (Murraya koenigi) tree.. all cut brutally. …up rooted and dumped..
I shed tears for each.
People get attached to pets. I get attached to trees.

What can we bequeath to the future generation. ...Gold -Silver-Diamonds –and yes Land..?
What is the use of the land which does not have much oxygen as a consequence of the lack of trees.

Natural resorces have to be conserved, to be used by the present and future generations.
A continuous protection to non-renewable recourses for their prolonged existence on earth has to be provided.
Need of this very moment is sustainable development ... that is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation -- to meet our own needs.

* Concern for the future generation.
* Environment SHOULD be protected.
* Maintenance
* Careful use of Natural Resources.
* Build a society (step by step) : that progresses by recognizing the needs of all inhabitants of this planet…. Our Earth.


Unknown said…
This is just too bad and sad...could they not have built around the trees?....I remember those trees...cause I used to climb them as a child. Especially the one by the kitchen downstairs.I used to have my tea up in the tree. It was so relaxing.
How I will miss those trees. What a shame that they are gone.What about the "Karna" tree?...Is that gone too? What is the world coming to?..I can feel your pain, my dear Aunt as I too love trees?

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