The Bamboo

Jan 16th 2009

More on The Bamboo:

I observed some amazing bamboo on the streams/ rivulet banks in the Western Ghats from where the River Tangabudra originates.

These have fine leaves and they bow deep, arching their stems gracefully into the stream, revering the gushing waters…. . some striking wild variety…!

It is said that Eastern Himalayas

(Darjeeling- NW Bengal- Sikkim- Bhutan- Arunachal Pradesh) zone of India has some 26 varieties of Bamboo. Including the Rhinoceros or Kaghzi Bamboo.

Interestingly, the number of the species of Bamboo goes on decreasing moving westward…
and there is NO Bamboo in the beautiful Kashmir valley.

Thus a Bamboo spreads tropically and subtropically in India and all through the world.

Bamboo as a tree demonstrates, strength and tenacity.

Surviving droughts, wars, climatic changes …from Himalayas to Andhra the bamboo survives ..strengthening and expanding sanguinely …..
cheerfully forever persistently …

Bamboo grass
& My Love for the Bamboo intensifies. …


Charlene said…
Bamboo is full of the most vibrant Life Force ... eternal as the expanding Universe.
The wisdom of Feng Shui advises us to place three pieces of a bamboo plant in a clear glass container somewhere in the East of the home's interior, for good health this year.
Wishing you Vibrant Health in 2009!
Charlene Vanderslice
M.R GREEN said…
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