A Greener Karachi.....

Was visiting Karachi after 7 years & I saw these Morning Glories

(they are weeds in South India) growing wildly around the Sea View Apartments.

Stubbornly growing on the road sides (as Aman Khalique put it)

It was a moment of joy: "hey that’s pretty".

It was a pleasant surprise:

Defense.. Clifton areas looked prettier than before..the walls were higher.. nevertheless there was greenery..


When there is green there is hope.

Why don’t the Karachites start sowing seeds /saplings -nuture them and wait for them to grow—..

& make Karachi a more pleasing place.

A restaurant called Saffron has a very character full tree growing out side its Moorish gate.

I saw plenty of Bottle Brushes and Gull Mohars..

Well done.

I saw the Neem tree grow taller (sown by my brother)

& the hedges around the homes in the Sea View neighbourhood were neatly pruned.

Well done Karachites.. keep your green hopes up.. strive for a greener Karachi..

A better environment.


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