Composting the Compost

Composting of waste is an aerobic method of decomposing solid-waste.
Moisture content should be around 55% which is essential for the biological breakdown of the waste.
Microorganisms help in stabilizing organic matter.
Fungi could start working in the 1st week .
Actinomycetes help in the last stages of the breakdown while bacteria is present through out the process.
The process involves decomposition of organic waste into HUMUS known as COMPOST.
Composting process produces carbon dioxide and heat (which can be used for different purposes).

The urbanite can make its own compost:
Instead of filling bag after bag filled with the swept leaves, twigs ,yard waste or kitchen scraps and flowers and dumping them in the dump.
The urbanite can start composting: with any organic waste –
from leaves and grass clippings to horse manure to kitchen scraps –
This turns into compost: the dark, crumbly humus that is excellent for the garden, trees, vegetable beds.
Composting is the natural process of decaying organic matter and using the changed material for fertilizing.
It was just part of the natural process to allow the leaves and yard waste to go back into the earth.
Composting is giving back to Mother Earth. is Natural.
It Enriches the soil
Mother Nature has her own system of composting to learn from.
Composting keeps nature in balance. .. & keeps the soil healthy.
It is an organic fertilizer for gardens, flower beds, trees and lawns.
Keeps pests away from the plants and & in return plants get healthy.
One can do away with chemical fertilizers & growth enhancers and other chemical treatments.
Composting is transforming the organic waste into something so useful.
Urbanites living in apartments can initiate a compost bin by putting together kitchen scraps,
raw fruit-peel and veggies, egg shells, coffee grinds , tea leaves,
outdoor leaves, lawn clippings and plant cuttings.
However cooked food and pasta ,meats & oils should NOT be put into the compost pit or tumbler or compost buckets.
Begin composting right away.....


Charlene said…
Hello Aliya,
Thank you so much for your efforts to raise awareness of our planet's plight ...and to remind us all of its preciousness. Your site is a breath of fresh air in a world fast becoming enclosed in smog.

Here in Midcoast Maine, USA, we've slowly evolved, quite naturally and easily, our composting habit. All the grass clippings from the lawn and leaves raked from gardens as well as spoiled tomatoes or overgrown lettuce and herb clippings from our small vegetable garden, end up in a heap in the woods near some lovely old trees.
The trees love this and their offspring flourish in the rich loam thus created. In the four years since we built our home here on the shore, the surrounding forest has grown into a lovely privacy screen, as if to thank us for remembering them.

Trees of course represent the lungs of the planet and have for eons been in a wonderfully symbiotic relationship with humans. Without them, the carbon footprint we leave behind each day would ultimately lead to our extinction. Let us all join hands and hearts ... and make these small conscious changes for the betterment and indeed the very survival of this delicate Web of Life on planet Earth.

Wishing You Blessings on the Path,
Charlene Vanderslice
SafeHarbor Maine

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