Mulching…the Mulch

Good Mulch:

ORGANIC MULCH can be made with wood shavings, shredded leaves and horse manure.

Ideally, it should be made by hand.
Although, not every one will like to do that.
Best is to chop leaves with a with a big scissor.. .

Let it cure together for 15 to 20 days in water before using.

Cover it while it cures. ..(To avoid mosquito breeding etc)
Use this as a top layer , adding nutrients to a flower bed or vegetable garden.
However, mulching should be done with care.
Do NOT use ply wood or painted wood shavings as this could be toxic to your plants.
Be cautious:
Mulched layers that are more than 2 to 3 inches deep, can turn sour, thus
creating a toxic anaerobic condition that could kill plants.
Thick mulch also draws pests like slugs, fungi and slimy molds and.
A Good Mulch should do everything a decomposing layer of leaves does.
It should suppress weeds, conserve moisture and protect plants from temperature extremes
& simultaneously breaking down to improve the structure of the soil.
A thin layer of mulch on the soil surface prevents soil erosion (in sloping gardens)
thus reducing the washing away of soil particles by the force of water.
Mulch prevents raindrops from splashing on the soil surface.
A mulch layer on the soil surface allows the soil to soak up more water.

Mulch reduces the rate of water loss from the soil.
A three inch layer of mulch on the soil surface dries much faster than the soil below it.
Thus it prevents water from evaporating .


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