Mother Earth Welcomes the Change II

In Feb 2008: Barack Obama said that as president he would spend $210 billion to create jobs in construction and environmental industries:
Amount to be used as investment in 2 programs which would last for over 10 years.

The $150 billion to create 5 million on "green collar" jobs to remodel environment friendly energy sources.
Sixty billion would go to a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to rebuild highways, bridges, airports and other public projects.
Obama explained that the money for his spending proposals would come from ending the Iraq war, cutting tax breaks for corporations, taxing carbon pollution and raising taxes on high income earners.

Obama has also proposed a mandatory reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
{Which the Nobel Prize winning panel of scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate --have said must be done to avoid catastrophic climate impacts}.

Propositions quite unique however application needs courage to resolve…

Only time will tell if he created these GREEN collar jobs for a greener tomorrow & will he make climate high priority in 2009.


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