Mother Earth Welcomes the Change

Friday,November 6th.

& I quote :

David Hales (director of the Global Environment Center of the United States Agency for International Development.)

“Transition to societies that are sustainable and just will require rare courage and wisdom".

Courage and determination is just what Obama requires, to make a change and do some thing for : as Obama himself mentioned “the planet in peril”.

& Climate Change should take center stage, in his agenda.

& yes some amount of reduce the consumerism.

David Hales also adds that he was hopeful & there would be a significant change in U.S. position, very soon.
Obama has to make sure to get the unemployed jobs but to begin with:

A drastic Change in the mechanics of the automobile industry, has to be brought about: typically through green initiatives .. alternative energy energy and recycling.

Let us hope that CONSUMERISM gradually dwindles ....


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