How green does my garden grow:

I need gardening:
Every garden has its peculiarity, and mine is that it is basically a converted green patch formally a dump of garbage and shabby bushes.
I garden on a semi arid area much dependent on municipality water ^ amended by trucked-in manure and red earth topsoil and compost heap that I try to pile up.
The happiest hours that I spend are in the garden feeling the mud -- the earth..
Trying to attend to a plant.. leaf through leaves.. removing the dry ones….to make a pot look neat and attended to.

Making my own bio degradable compost.. (with dry leaves.. and twigs)
Sweeping cleaning.. doing my own small digging.
The garden did not take over night to grow; it took time, immense energy and my love..
It shaped up and formed its own character
With the stately palms on the front step saying welcome..
The platform with the Anthuriums;
The huge Jaqeranda tree…
perfuming the air shedding and showering its purple bell shaped flowers…on the green lawn.. each time the wind blows..
The vines and twines, the bushes, the rose bed bordered by the Bush Sage Salvias , the row of Daisies ,
the Orange-Heliconias flaming their glory......with the Umbrella palm in their back ground.
The Birds of Paradise calling for attention... and tending..
So is The Lobster Claw: as demanding.
The Peace Lily peeping through the ferns the foliage..
The Raath Ki Rani or The Night Jasmine throwing its fragrance each night..
Compelling us to breathe deeply inhale ..the fresh fragrance...
At present, The Tube lily is giving out its fragrance early-evening..
and the after math is glorious.. .!
The Golden Duranta hedge so carefully pruned ,
The Holy Tulsi (Basil) ( Hindus )
A .. Muslim I am ..but I water it religiously..
So do I regularly water and tend to the Orchid Cactus that blooms once in a year.
The Spider Lily has yet to bloom this season…
The wild Orange-Lantanas are blazing after the showers and the rain..
The Lemon grass is ever ready to be cut and spice up my Thai soup..
Even the weeds look good (like the Spanish needle with its tiny yellow flowers)..
The Carpet Grass : Currently after the rains, with little mushrooms sprouting .. utterly adorable ..
Its sign of life -- indication of a continuity.. that if there is enough sunshine -water and air the Earth will survive.

My garden beckons .. for peace and tranquility.
I think I am leaving a good carbon foot print for my kids.
The month of June is waiting for the monsoon showers.. ..order a cart red earth, neem cake,
NPK and look for plant saplings.. order them do a reconnaissance of the good nursery on the out skirts of Hyderabad.
Do not let any gardener tell you he or she loves the monsoon, because for gardeners, monsoon, means anxiety, pressure, backaches, leg cramps..
It means cleaning up the summer wrought ,dry twigs and debris and planning ahead and wondering if it is the right time to plant the rose saplings or the hibiscus bush..
For gardeners, in Hyderabad, monsoon is a race against time.
Those who beat the relentless deadlines stand a chance of having a great garden.
Those who don’t have a long wait until next year

& then July is for planting the seeds or the saplings with a wish.


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