Stepping out of our Comfort Zones

Lets join hand & Clean then Green our Earth:

Lets start by becoming guerrilla gardener of sorts..
Years back I took over with a little aggression the front part of the house
and converted an ugly neglected dump yard into a lush green lawn with proper landscaping-- flower beds..and pruned hedges..
Mother in law did not like it....
and she labeled me into an eternal bad daughter in law!!

Defamed me -- blah blah blah..
This went on for years till she accepted the fact that the front landscaped space looked great.
The plants are greener and providing lot of oxygen on Raj Bhavan Road..
Its a good green patch..
Anyway can't we start a guerilla war fare or a movement doing odd jobs on neglected dirty corners and places.... ?
Converting these dump yards into Green lush zones.. ....... ............................ .........
Can’t we...?
For this movement we need funds to hire people who can work under our guidance @ night :

( a little aggression for a good cause)
This group ( like the guerilla ) should be enthusiastic enough to contribute and work towards cleaning up and beautify the city with plants and Green zones.
Think ..cant we...?


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