My Robust Buddha’s Belly
B uddha’s Belly: Common Name: Bamboo Botanical name: Bambusa vulgaris O riginally from South China… the bamboo has 1200 different varieties.. .. Growing in very cold temperate climates to the hot tropics…. from jungles to elevated mountain areas. Bamboo is a grass… with different heights from a foot -- - to oversized timber bamboo that can grow to over 100 feet. Bamboo very rarely produces seed, so most propagations are by division or clump cuttings. In Mizoram, (small hill state in north-east India) they say when the bamboo flowers : famine and destruction follows . How the B uddha’s B elly Grows: The Buddha’s belly can be an ideal bamboo, by a pond in a beautiful landscape…. ..! It has Swollen internodes which are quite fascinating & draw attention…. This species of bamboo is reliable and consistent in producing new shoots after every few months or after a heavy spell of rain. The new shoots are protected by a sheath, which are commonly rounded and smooth. This bamboo spreads by ...